Sunday, June 22, 2008

weekend fun

Josh was home for the weekend and we had a great time. We started with our...his favorite place to eat for lunch of Friday, Training Table and then due to my sprained ankle spent some time at home. Josh was invited to a birthday party that night and unfortunately it started out a disaster full of tears due to his shyness, but eventually he turned it around and he had a great time.

Saturday we helped a friend with her garage sale, built a new animal at build a bear, went swimming at the pool and finished with the Incredible Hulk at the drive in. It was a full day of lots of fun activities. (I would not recommend the movie, however).
Sunday, we took it pretty easy and mostly played at the pool and at home. After a quick bbq at the Monsen's, Josh was headed back down to Highland to play with his dad and his cousins.


Anonymous said...

Dude... Look at the ankle!! DORK! I am glad that you helped out your team, but you are very old! haha. It looks like you guys had fun in Park City also... missed all the fun :(

Lytton Living said...

Well, Justin gratuated in 98, but I'm w/ you. I gratuated in 96, so I feel old too!

Notme said...

Really? was the movie pretty bad? We love training table too! Mmm.. turkey and bacon :)