Sunday, September 21, 2008

utes vs air force

Another away game for Utah means a party at my house. My parents came and we got in a few rounds of the card game hand and foot.
Curtis and Laurel stopped by after driving back from and air show in Wendover.
And of course Jordan, my entrenched Utah sibling, and his buddy Biggie.
We had food and of course the football game was on. However, I had to sit down and focus on cards for most of the second half. I was benched for yelling at the t.v. But honestly, what was Utah thinking?! They looked horrible and probably shouldn't have won the game. But they came through in the last minute and a half with a touchdown and an interception. Dang good thing! Next week is Weber State for homecoming...I plan on being in attendance. They better have a better performance than this week!

Thanks for stopping by to say hi Nikki and fam! We missed you Heidi and Amy!


Notme said...

That game made me mad! but hey.. GO UTES anyway! At least we won

Nikki and Kevin said...

Thanks for letting us crash your fun. It was good to visit for a few minutes.