Saturday, September 06, 2008

time to play!

It is vacation time...YIPPEE! We are off with the Monsen troops to Oceanside California for sun and relaxation. Josh and I were so excited we had to stop for a picture at the airport.

First stop was at the swap meet in Newport. We found lunch, cheap beach toys, an army hat, and of course the Ohio State flag in honor of our friend Diane Cobey. Go Buckeyes!
Then the drive to the beach house in Oceanside. Josh was exhausted and took a nap.
We got settled...and then off to Costco to fill the place with yummy food...

We ended our day with a walk over to the beach. It is absolutely gorgeous! And Josh just couldn't wait another second to play in the sand and the water.
The sun getting ready to set and the amazing shimmer it gives the waves is my very favorite time and part of the ocean. I love the sun, but I love the calm closing of the day a sunset brings. Yeah for 6 more nights of this!

Oh and I was kept updated on the Utes first home game against UNLV. Thanks to all my people for keeping me in the loop! (And sending me pictures to help me feel like I was at the game.) The Utes pulled out at 42-21 win to help redeem the shutout they encountered last year.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun.

Nikki and Kevin said...

You are always on the go! As Heidi says, "looks like fun."