Sunday, October 12, 2008

lake powell party

I miss Lake Powell! It is so beautiful there and so peaceful and so much fun. Tonight we had a Lake Powell party at Deanne's with all the gang (although we were missing quite a few). We got to see every one's pictures from the trip and put together a DVD slide show.

We had some grub, and then got busy reminiscing and choosing the best songs for our DVD.

Goose, Steph, JoyLynn, Gus, Me, Mons, and Deanne. We missed the rest of the crew who were all traveling to fun and exotic places. It just means we get to have a reason for another party. We have to show off our hard work!

Gus gave Josh a chopsticks piano lesson. He learned it pretty quickly. Thanks Gus!


Vicki--Blog Master said...

How cool is that?!?!? Those six months of music lessons when I was 7 years old really paid off. My mom would be so proud!! Josh isn't bad either....I sense a rockstar in your future.

Notme said...

You guys have too much fun! I want to see it when its done