Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Josh's school performance

Josh's kindergarten performance was this afternoon. Yesterday the kindergarten was able to perform for the Bonneville students and today was for the parents. Josh was so excited. For weeks, he has been counting down and then saying he had stage fright. He was convinced he had it even before he got up to sing!
He and his classmates did an excellent job. It was so cute to hear them sing at the top of their lungs. They kept looking for their parents and waving during the whole performance.

Josh was in the front row new to Abi and Simon. His teacher, Mrs. Speigal turned around for the picture too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! Can you believe this year is at its end already? 1st grade will be here before you no it.

He already looks so much older! Maybe its the haircut! :)