Saturday, April 26, 2008

2nd at Nationals

The utes were unable to pull out the win in Georgia. They took 2nd place for the 3rd year in a row against the bulldogs. They lost by the very small margin .325. It was a total bummer. However, Ashley Postell did pull out a VERY high all around score with 3 9.95's and 1 9.90. Maybe they can pull through with the big title next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude... I had NO idea! I have been checking the website, but forgot this weekend... I can't believe we didn't make it, I thought for sure we would but 2nd place is great too. Way to go Postell on her senior year! We haven't seen someone do that since Missy Marlowe!!

How do you have time to read??!!