Saturday, January 24, 2009

a double birthday celebration

It was a birthday celebration of big proportions this year. Josh and I did some celebrating of our big days. My day started with dropping Josh off at school and heading for a hot stone massage which was a PERFECT way to start my birthday. Then I met Heidi and Dylan for lunch at Kyoto's - yum! And then the day started to get a little crazy...starting with Josh's birthday party with some of his friends at Fat Cats.
They were a handful and so stinking cute!

There was bowling, pizza, video games, presents, cake, and lots and lots of fun!
*The birthday stars*

Thanks for lunch Heidi and Dylan!
Next up was my party. I was kidnapped for the night by my girlfriends, Rebecca, Susan, Amy, and Emily. We started at Rebecca's, moved to Rio Grande for yummy Mexican food, and then to a few other places to hang out and dance. At each stop, I got a prize related to the island I live on combined with some birthday princess attire.

It was one of the best, rowdy nights of my life. It was the perfect way to sign out my 30th year and welcome in the 31st!


Vicki--Blog Master said...

Happy Birthday, CJ!! Looks like you had a good time...Joshie, too!
Hope things are going well for you.
See you soon...

Anonymous said...

You sure lead a fun life...remember who you are and make us proud!
the "old" ones