Sunday, October 18, 2009

wow...its been a while

I knew I hadn't blogged for a bit, but wow it has been a while! I will post some pics shortly of a few of the fun things that have been happening.

Friday, July 24, 2009

24th home

Josh had a full day of fun today. The majority was spent on a play date with his best buddy Connor. They went bowling and played fort. After we went to pick up a few items for our camping trip this weekend and Josh is just beside himself with excitement. So he decided he wanted to lite fireworks at the dark.

The wind was a bit much and I finally got smart enough to lite the sparklers to use as a lite for other fireworks.
It was just us, but we had fun!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

summer softball

For the last few summers I have been lucky enough to play with my little brother on his work softball team. We play all through the summer and I have so much fun spending time with Jordan.

I get a bit serious in my face when I am up to bat!
The majority of us...there a few missing.
Spears, Rawson, Sarg, Glen
Joel, Gabe, Jordan, Heidi, and Me

fric 'n frac

Fric (Amy) 'n Frac (Rebecca) have birthdays a couple of weeks apart, so we threw a fric 'n frac party in Susan's backyard. We grilled food, had yummy drinks, music, and friends. The night air was perfect and we all had a great time.

Monday, July 13, 2009

family night

A girls night with families adventure was in store for us long time friends. In all the years, the 8 of us have been having get togethers we have not had all of our families invited. We realized that there are 19 kids amongst us! Nikki offered her home and all but one was able to enjoy each other company, food, and lots of laughs.
Nikki, Me, Buzz, Jenny, Rachel, Boyden, and Chi Chi
Buzz and her troops are moving to South Dakota. We were all glad to be able to get together before they move.

And a pic of the cousins with their babies was a must. We don't have one outside of this one I don't think.
I love my girlfriends!
I love that we can pick up right where we left off as if no time has past at all.
And our kids followed suit!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

city of rocks 4th of july weekend

My 4th of July celebration was spent with my students at City of Rocks, Idaho. They were doing a climbing trip and I was able to tag along.
This is the weather we rolled into on Friday night. I was a bit worried.

However, we were lucky enough to miss most of the really bad weather and when we got up on Saturday to climb, my first attempt ever, the weather was gorgeous. We had a great day of climbing by the Twin Sisters. Another storm rolled in that afternoon and brought a great wind storm and then kept on moving.
Sunday we did a multi-pitch climb on Jackson's Thumb (the skinny rock next to the big mountain). We hiked up to the base and then started our climb. It was only my third climb ever and I am hooked!

These were the views from the top of the thumb and man were they amazing!

To finish out the "sick" experience as the weekend staff say, we had to free repel off the back side of the thumb. It was one of the most amazing wilderness experiences I have ever had. I can't wait to go again!

a birthday bash

My friend Amy had a birthday last weekend. Rebecca, April, Jenny, myself, and of course the birthday girl spent the day at East Lake enjoying the water and sun.

We had an amazing afternoon, then headed for some yummy food and birthday cake.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

arts festival

I love the arts festival and look forward to it each year. Heidi and I were able to have some sis time while enjoying the art. This is the newest addition to my art collection.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

saturday playdate

Josh and I got to have a Saturday play date with our cute friend Elsie.

We picked up Elsie at her mom's art studio and we were off...

McDonald's for lunch...
then Gateway Mall for the Children's Museum, and we were lucky enough to run into the chalk art festival and a break in the rain.
We still hit the museum and had a blast.
What a fun Saturday afternoon!

Friday, June 19, 2009

a preview

New York, Martha's Vineyard, Boston, and girlfriends...

It doesn't get better than that!

a golfing afternoon

This afternoon Josh and I met Vicki Gus at the Forelakes Golf Course to hit a bucket of balls...the first of the summer, well for us, not for Vicki Gus.

Josh took our pics while we 'model' posed complete with the wind in our hair.

...the other 'model' pose :-D

Josh and Gus did most of the swinging and man they are good! I got in a few decent swings, but left my skills to taking pics and catching up with Gus.
This video isn't Josh's best swing, but it gives the idea. We are going to do a par three course in a few weeks. Luv you Gus!

life has happened...i am just behind

a little stomach flu....

kick ass forts to sleep in...

art shows with friends and a new piece of art for my it!
a new tattoo...
playtime with cousin dylan...
more swimming...

the natural history museum and kissing some frogs...

and WICKED, which was absolutely amazing!